Coaching and Video Analysis

2024-12-26 16:54:26
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First post

My name is Luke and I am a coach for Digit Racing. I thought I would put a thread together answering a lot of the frequently asked questions I get about coaching, some details about myself, and our new video analysis option.

In game I go by DG_Luc Nodaro. That was a name created by a Star Wars name generator when I played SWTOR and I have used it for gaming ever since. Luc is the French version of Luke, but you can call me Luc, Luke or even just Nodaro as I was most known in previous games.

I started GT7 in March 2022 when the game launched. It took me four months to achieve A+ at which point due to personal circumstances I left the game for a year. When I returned in June 2023, it took me until October 2024 to achieve 80k Driver rating. Currently sitting at 82k on my main. So, in total it was a little over a year and eight months to go from complete newbie to 80k. I am now a consistent top 100 driver, and have started getting top 50s too. I have had a top 10 in Daily A at Autopolis Gr2 and three Top 10 Stars in Circuit Experiences (so far - I will be chasing a few more).

I have used a G29 on a desk which got me to A+. I have since had a T300 on a Playseat Challenge, a T-GT2 on a steel tubed rig and now I am running a Fanatec Clubsport DD+ on an aluminium profile rig. So, I have good experience with different equipment, and frequently advise people depending on their budget.

I have training and background in electrical and mechanical engineering, and many weekends spent modifying and repairing project cars which is why I know how to tune cars in game. I taught Digit how to tune cars in GT7, explaining how things like compression / rebound, limited slip differentials work in real life, and how the game applies those principles where it’s not accurate to real life. When tuning first came into Sport mode, if you watched Digit stream on Mondays, he was using my set ups that I would develop before he went live and then pass to him for his stream. Eventually Digit learned to tune with my guidance and now he creates his own set ups. So, the official Digit Gaming set ups on the website were largely developed by me.

Digit personally coached me precisely once back in July 2023 for one hour. It is often assumed that Digit coached me as an apprentice on a regular basis. This is not true, but as a mentor behind the scenes he has been priceless. I thrive in the one-on-one setting and I genuinely enjoy helping people.

What do I offer?

  • One on One Coaching
  • Video analysis
  • Training to tune cars yourself


Frequently asked Questions

What can I expect from a coaching session? For first time students I require two hours. This is because I have divided the session into theory and practical sections, and I conclude by giving you a weekly program that if you stick to improvement is inevitable. This is too much to fit into one hour. There are two goals to achieve with every first-time student. Have you ever said to yourself, how are they doing that? I swear I am doing the same thing?  How are people so fast? That is the first thing that must be addressed. It is essential that the student leave the session fully understanding on a classroom level how people are so fast. Without the "why" of it all, the brake here turn here stuff never sticks quite as well. That is the theory side. The second goal is to get the student to begin to feel what happens when they start to do things "correctly." By that I mean literally how the car feels underneath you. All fast drivers are driving on feel. Responding to what the Force Feedback is telling them. The entire session is built around getting you to begin feeling this, so that you can learn to drive on feel too. Contrary to popular belief driving fast is not a hair-raising edge of your seat thing where you feel like you are fighting the car at every turn. It is actually a very composed fluid affair where the car seems to flow through the corners effortlessly. When you begin to get a taste of this feeling, that’s when it starts to click. I am a very analytical person. I am not a big believer in needing abundant talent to reach a proficient level in almost anything. To be a World Tour driver, of course you need something special. That magical talent word. But most things in life can be learned to a high level with the application of a methodical structured training program. Thats how schools and colleges work, it’s how the military work, it’s how elite sport works, it’s how we learn most things in life. And the chances are there is something in your life you do very well as the result of a structured training program. Sim racing is no different. Driving fast is a skill and skills can be taught and they can be learned. All you are missing is the program. My strength as a coach is in how I explain things. That is my "talent."

How long have you been coaching?  At the time of writing, I am over 250 hours of coaching. I have attached screenshots of my feedback below.

How do I pay you? Payment is via a PayPal invoice. You do not need a Paypal account. Payment can be made with a credit card.

Will I need follow up sessions? That is up to you. Some people take the first session and fly with it. Self-coaching from then on. Some people prefer regular sessions to help rewire the synapses. Some people come back only when they feel they have hit a plateau. I have league racers who come and see me before each league race. Follow up sessions are not required or expected, it is entirely up to you.

Is there any post coaching support? Yes. Post coaching session you can contact me via Discord whenever you like. If you have a quick question about a track, a car or anything game related, reminders of what we covered, whatever, feel free to contact me. You can do this publicly or privately on the Digit Racing Discord server. If your questions lead to more extensive answers then it’s probably time to get you back into a coaching session. But quick-fire stuff go ahead and ask.

What do I need? You need a PS4/5 compatible headset with a microphone. I need from you your PSN name, your sport mode rank and experience if relevant, and what set up / equipment you use.

What track do we use? This is up to you. If you are a sport mode racer its usually better to use one of that week's dailies because you are already up to speed so you will see the improvements. I prefer people to use a track and car they are familiar with, again so that you can see the improvements. But really, it is up to you. As a word of caution tracks over two minutes tend to be the sessions that go over two hours. Which I will need to invoice you for. 

What is Video Analysis? This is an alternative to coaching or as some are using it, a supplement to coaching. For $15 USD (half the price of a one-hour coaching session) I will analyse either a qualifying lap or a race video. The price is the same because while the race is longer to watch the qualifying lap will need more detailed comments. Qualifying lap reviews will be largely brake here, turn here, use more track there etc. I will get very detailed and specific about it, and I will also cover technique where I can but obviously this will be limited without the one-on-one setting. A race analysis is more about how you managed the race, what you could have done differently to affect a better result and ultimately gain DR. Contact me via Discord or here if you want to submit a video for review. The video can be shared in-game or a YouTube upload.

How is tuning training priced? $30 USD per hour as per the coaching. Custom tunes are done at two hours and one on one training will take two hours minimum. At the time of writing unless you are a league racer with tuning races this probably is not so relevant right now as tuning races are now rare in sport mode again. But who knows what PD will do with tuning later.




Lastly, I do have plans to make a YouTube channel. I have no intention of streaming. I do not thrive in crowds with a lot of attention – partly why nerves are a problem for me on track! My channel will be much more focused on driver tuition and guides. Due to personal health reasons, I am not ready to push this yet but I have a channel ready and I will be uploading race videos, hot laps and maybe the odd commentated video to begin with. Hopefully soon.

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