9.2Total score
Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5
Visit Fanatec WebsiteQuality
Value for money
User experience
- Solid carbon fiber plate, aluminum modules, leather grips for a premium feel
- Offers up to 67 controls for a finely-tuned gaming experience tailored to specific games
- Direct FFB in Formula V2.5 replicates real-world physics for an immersive, realistic drive.
- Unreliable rotary encoders: Occasionally unresponsive and too easy to move
- Pricey: While good value, it's still come at a high cost
- Overwhelming for beginners: Numerous options and controls can be intimidating.
Fanatec V2.5 Formula Steering Wheel is an improved version of the standard v2 unit with a leather-wrapped wheel and a Magnetic Paddle Module. It is, however, 30 euros less expensive than the V2. But recently even the V2 wheel had an upgrade to V2.5 X that goes for 399 euros while the V2.5 stands at 389 at the moment. But I got mine on Black Friday sale for 350 euros with a Quick Release included.
Formula V2.5 Review
Formula V2.5: Step Up Your Game
The Formula V2.5 retains the classic 270 mm ClubSport Formula wheel shape while adding a solid carbon fiber front plate, aluminum shifter modules, and supple perforated leather grips. An OLED screen and a variety of colored LED bars are among the high-tech inputs. And the shifters are now magnetic, which was not previously an option.
With the pre-installed ClubSport Magnetic Paddle Module, changing gears just feel incredible. Thumb encoders, toggle switches, and multiple-position switches are among the controls on the steering wheel (12 in total). So, in total, there could be up to 67 direct controls on the wheel. From my experience, I probably use only half of that.
This incredible light show also serves a practical purpose. The two flag LED bars (FlagLEDs) each have three multi-color LEDs that can show tyre slip, flag warnings, pit limiter, and more; the RevLEDs each have nine multi-color LEDs that can show motor RPM and ideal shifting point. Of course, it depends on the game you're playing.
You also may consider the Podium Advanced Paddle Module as a replacement for the ClubSport Magnetic Paddle Module if you need more inputs and analog paddles. Those can be used as a hand clutch or even as brake and throttle if you’re unable to use the regular pedal set.
Fanatec V2.5 Podium Advanced Paddle Module
By adding the Podium Advanced Paddle Module to the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5, you can gain a dual-clutch paddle system as well as two sets of magnetic paddles with 3 mm thick carbon fiber plates. Unfortunately, I did not include the module on the wheel because it already has so many options and mappable buttons. Because of the interchangeable quick release, this wheel is compatible with the new QR2 quick release system. It also came in a package with the wheel, which added additional value to the overall experience.
Premium Look and Fanatec Ecosystem
If you're looking for a premium formula wheel and are already a fan of the Fanatec ecosystem, this is the wheel for you. It is easily attachable to any Fanatec wheelbase.
When it comes to racing wheel manufacturers, Fanatec has the most versatile modular system. Various pedal configurations, a separate gearbox, a handbrake, and a mind-boggling selection of wheel hubs are all included. This is a fantastic racing simulator. This also means that you can start with the bare bones of the ClubSport v2.5 package and upgrade as your needs change. If you're looking to sell your old WHEEL, Fanatec gear holds its value much better than other devices, barely even losing value over time.
There's hardly much to say about the experience other than it's fantastic. I tested several wheels over the last few months, and there is nothing that would stop me from purchasing this wheel again. I don’t track the FFB but rather the feeling while going over the kerbs, understeer and oversteer reaction time. You can relate that to FFB and the strength of the wheel but it’s mostly about the details, not force. Just talking about driving would make much sense without these key points.
- Fantastic material structure and design even the quality of the build is exceptional
- Numerous buttons that work really well (except the rotary encoders) - they don’t work like you would expect, in my opinion, they’re too easy to move and don’t respond every single time to inputs, but that might be the only bad thing here
- FFB is very direct and clear
Just as I said before, there is nothing that would stop me from getting this wheel again, it's just great.