We update scores at the end of every event. Active events are not included.
This ranking is in no way related to the GT7 rating, it's our own algorithm More info
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# | DR/SR | Player | Avg Δ | Races | Score | Last update | ||
128501 | ArturOrganisartur | 6.86% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-10-28 10:50:04 | |||
128502 | LukasParkuhr1976 | 6.86% | 40 | 69.99 | 2024-10-24 09:25:04 | |||
128503 | Edd WardoEdd---T77 | 6.86% | 20 | 69.99 | 2024-10-21 13:00:02 | |||
128504 | AMackMauMack98 | 6.86% | 19 | 69.99 | 2024-10-14 18:00:04 | |||
128505 | Gab79gab979 | 6.86% | 31 | 69.99 | 2024-10-14 14:50:04 | |||
128506 | rota1984rota1984 | 6.86% | 46 | 69.99 | 2024-10-10 09:25:04 | |||
128507 | Kheopsposeidon081976 | 6.86% | 62 | 69.99 | 2024-09-26 09:05:04 | |||
128508 | Aimaraimar_sm21 | 6.86% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-09-25 23:45:03 | |||
128509 | FeherlofiaLiepschitz | 6.86% | 21 | 69.99 | 2024-09-23 08:10:05 | |||
128510 | Big CatTrueblackboi87 | 6.86% | 15 | 69.99 | 2024-09-23 07:30:05 | |||
128511 | Pericoventu7241 | 6.86% | 16 | 69.99 | 2024-09-05 09:45:04 | |||
128512 | Bastibasti-tre | 6.86% | 31 | 69.99 | 2024-09-01 17:45:04 | |||
128513 | My Meaty FingerMyMeatyFinger_69 | 4.86% | 9 | 69.99 | 2024-08-26 07:00:04 | |||
128514 | Y.SMMTGrnT_44 | 5.91% | 10 | 69.99 | 2024-07-29 10:00:04 | |||
128515 | P.PerantzakisF7R-Pera | 3.34% | 4 | 69.99 | 2024-07-08 19:04:42 | |||
128516 | PRT_Concept_RCoNcEpT_R_DriVeR | 2.67% | 2 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128517 | BDKRainBDKRain | 2.67% | 2 | 69.99 | 2024-12-09 12:40:06 | |||
128518 | Lopesjuanlopes | 2.67% | 2 | 69.99 | 2024-10-17 09:45:04 | |||
128519 | JUN_Exxonjunsuperlemon126 | 2.67% | 2 | 69.99 | 2024-10-10 09:25:04 | |||
128520 | nameitonameito | 2.67% | 2 | 69.99 | 2024-09-01 17:45:04 | |||
128521 | Harayu_GTYuu-GT1 | 4.67% | 5 | 69.99 | 2024-09-01 17:45:04 | |||
128522 | E. Dominiqueliexterminer2001 | 6.48% | 10 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128523 | MaxPACIFlSTE | 6.48% | 10 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128524 | Andreaspiccio2000 | 6.48% | 10 | 69.99 | 2024-12-12 10:45:05 | |||
128525 | LaMambaMandaXX17ST4k-4track | 6.48% | 10 | 69.99 | 2024-11-28 09:25:04 | |||
128526 | W. Harjulizard0440 | 2.67% | 2 | 69.99 | 2024-07-07 18:14:17 | |||
128527 | kouyamashiron456 | 6.29% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128528 | MB_CastilloIzancs_05 | 3.43% | 3 | 69.99 | 2024-07-07 21:59:16 | |||
128529 | P.Gillilandpaddygezus | 5.15% | 12 | 69.99 | 2024-07-25 20:25:04 | |||
128530 | YT_GT BelkzDylberryYT | 6.29% | 61 | 69.99 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128531 | Mr.LandimMrLand1m | 6.29% | 21 | 69.99 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128532 | Natacellinatacceli | 6.29% | 37 | 69.99 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128533 | FOXMacrossFOXMacross | 6.29% | 18 | 69.99 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128534 | MatthewtheprimogTTV | 6.29% | 15 | 69.99 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128535 | DomDom-Lund | 6.29% | 28 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128536 | AleksGhosty_S3NNA | 6.29% | 13 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128537 | Paolo CavalliniPaolo27Cava | 6.29% | 25 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128538 | Jeronifieldjeronifield | 6.29% | 62 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128539 | D. RivenDaemonic_Karma | 6.29% | 20 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128540 | OlsenTheShadow7117 | 6.29% | 38 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128541 | Damp FlannelMajorFlange | 6.29% | 31 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128542 | ShishaShisha8919 | 6.29% | 43 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128543 | Sosu_PLsosik1234 | 6.29% | 41 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128544 | Ernstvkb-team | 6.29% | 43 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128545 | ゆゆもちYuYuMochi0819 | 6.29% | 50 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128546 | 猫狐/nekogitune_jpmike-neko34 | 6.29% | 29 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128547 | JR69GT7JRPILOTPR | 6.29% | 37 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128548 | Fujiwara_TOFUFujiwara_TOFU | 6.29% | 24 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128549 | PurfluxPurflux_Blau | 6.29% | 47 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128550 | SaaFatDetDogSaaFatDetDog | 6.29% | 113 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128551 | KirkLazarusboulon85- | 6.29% | 94 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128552 | Ririromromestantnath989 | 6.29% | 54 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128553 | PorkScritchinoncoming_leaf | 6.29% | 13 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:40:07 | |||
128554 | 日是在johnlam83 | 6.29% | 68 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128555 | Pisa97Pisa97 | 6.29% | 28 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128556 | SalvoKart0711SalvoKart0711 | 6.29% | 35 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128557 | X4L1BUR12X4L1BUR12 | 6.29% | 45 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128558 | JBjanner_b | 6.29% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128559 | G. VillaSommmethingcool2 | 6.29% | 21 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128560 | Drei300Dreihundert300 | 6.29% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128561 | Jermskleen_jerms | 6.29% | 27 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128562 | Metalheaddeathmetalhead | 6.29% | 70 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128563 | FLYBOY_240SX|TVRs2000andreas | 6.29% | 41 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128564 | CharmCharmzerr | 6.29% | 20 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128565 | FuriousAvAFuriousAvA | 6.29% | 54 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128566 | Stefan K.Stefk995 | 6.29% | 13 | 69.99 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128567 | FloFlohonda71 | 6.29% | 12 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128568 | supra127Avengers127 | 6.29% | 17 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128569 | A_Twizted_NewbA_Twizted_Newb | 6.29% | 47 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128570 | Lets go!!MrPuce | 6.29% | 34 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128571 | KikitoKikito740 | 6.29% | 26 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128572 | Christianmo6fan | 6.29% | 39 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128573 | Benzen-HedgesB3NZ3N-H3DG3S34 | 6.29% | 32 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128574 | masamabizou | 6.29% | 38 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128575 | elBlindoelBlindo | 6.29% | 15 | 69.99 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128576 | BryDoUlikeFishStix | 6.29% | 58 | 69.99 | 2024-12-16 09:20:06 | |||
128577 | Grandfather 1961gast-willem | 6.29% | 31 | 69.99 | 2024-12-16 09:20:06 | |||
128578 | AndiSperlingGamble | 6.29% | 21 | 69.99 | 2024-12-16 09:20:06 | |||
128579 | B. Zacharpterodactyl3215 | 6.29% | 19 | 69.99 | 2024-12-12 11:45:06 | |||
128580 | Markoszantomarko | 6.29% | 17 | 69.99 | 2024-12-12 11:45:06 | |||
128581 | AMGmarquezlocos | 6.29% | 34 | 69.99 | 2024-12-12 11:45:06 | |||
128582 | Swedinhoswedinho20 | 6.29% | 18 | 69.99 | 2024-12-12 10:45:05 | |||
128583 | Hamhearsh_mahidhari | 6.29% | 44 | 69.99 | 2024-12-12 10:45:05 | |||
128584 | JustJoK1ngJustJoking57 | 6.29% | 12 | 69.99 | 2024-12-09 11:30:07 | |||
128585 | Kevnikve1095 | 6.29% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-12-05 14:45:06 | |||
128586 | Artusstalwart_map0 | 6.29% | 40 | 69.99 | 2024-12-05 09:45:06 | |||
128587 | tradbeintradbein0bl | 6.29% | 35 | 69.99 | 2024-12-05 09:45:06 | |||
128588 | NickChinobala99 | 6.29% | 41 | 69.99 | 2024-12-02 11:50:08 | |||
128589 | EbretEbret1 | 6.29% | 17 | 69.99 | 2024-11-28 09:25:04 | |||
128590 | Daly racingconordaly8 | 6.29% | 23 | 69.99 | 2024-11-14 09:25:05 | |||
128591 | Duber Donimomopemiph | 6.29% | 49 | 69.99 | 2024-11-14 09:25:05 | |||
128592 | Bak3d Gaming Bak3dGaming2344 | 6.29% | 16 | 69.99 | 2024-11-11 12:10:05 | |||
128593 | GAGATO_GAGATO_ | 6.29% | 13 | 69.99 | 2024-11-11 12:10:05 | |||
128594 | §David§kenny100x35 | 6.29% | 18 | 69.99 | 2024-11-07 13:45:04 | |||
128595 | M.MolleM3Sailer88 | 6.29% | 19 | 69.99 | 2024-10-31 09:25:04 | |||
128596 | LePigC4astrophique14 | 6.29% | 27 | 69.99 | 2024-10-24 09:25:04 | |||
128597 | Jcuevjcturismo17 | 6.29% | 12 | 69.99 | 2024-10-21 13:20:03 | |||
128598 | MarkPawelzowio7 | 6.29% | 29 | 69.99 | 2024-10-21 13:00:02 | |||
128599 | 27O_K9CrankBait-K9-270 | 6.29% | 14 | 69.99 | 2024-10-14 14:50:04 | |||
128600 | Dugo LH44diegomafezzoni | 6.29% | 13 | 69.99 | 2024-10-10 09:25:04 | |||
128601 | ZorroRoadtrippinSD | 6.29% | 26 | 69.99 | 2024-10-08 12:05:04 | |||
128602 | Markus KamplMexxtheaxe | 6.29% | 22 | 69.99 | 2024-10-08 12:05:04 | |||
128603 | BobbyBennett_racing55 | 6.29% | 12 | 69.99 | 2024-09-26 09:05:04 | |||
128604 | NewtonDNewton96 | 6.29% | 16 | 69.99 | 2024-09-25 23:45:03 | |||
128605 | NIK-PALLA_20NIK-PALLA-20 | 6.29% | 16 | 69.99 | 2024-08-31 01:25:04 | |||
128606 | arkitchenthispace4rent | 5.15% | 23 | 69.98 | 2024-08-15 14:05:03 | |||
128607 | Theo VR2T97heo | 3.91% | 7 | 69.98 | 2024-07-19 10:48:56 | |||
128608 | おMEImei7500 | 4.10% | 5 | 69.98 | 2024-12-09 12:20:07 | |||
128609 | g_asherG_ASHER | 6.10% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-12-05 14:45:06 | |||
128610 | Ollim10Ollim_10 | 4.10% | 5 | 69.98 | 2024-11-18 13:00:04 | |||
128611 | CRE_EduardexEduardex97 | 4.10% | 5 | 69.98 | 2024-11-11 11:50:05 | |||
128612 | Ross9709Ross9709 | 4.10% | 5 | 69.98 | 2024-09-05 09:45:04 | |||
128613 | ralter wöhrlm_walter_seiner | 2.96% | 2 | 69.98 | 2024-07-08 18:08:23 | |||
128614 | Cheem PrzWRT-Cheem_Prz | 5.06% | 10 | 69.98 | 2024-07-09 13:38:36 | |||
128615 | CiaranxMcbride | 3.91% | 7 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128616 | EliteBleaderEliteBleader | 3.91% | 7 | 69.98 | 2024-12-02 11:30:07 | |||
128617 | I am speedMartinVase | 5.91% | 10 | 69.98 | 2024-11-14 09:25:05 | |||
128618 | Saltyy101saltiii2118 | 3.91% | 7 | 69.98 | 2024-10-14 18:00:04 | |||
128619 | Johnny CarachoJohnnyCaracho7 | 5.72% | 66 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128620 | PanserOPanserO | 5.72% | 27 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128621 | SpillaneSpillane-USA | 5.72% | 17 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128622 | Daviddugirat2013 | 5.72% | 30 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128623 | MoreBeansPleaseUniqueUserID1 | 5.72% | 26 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128624 | Ashashbcfc1992 | 5.72% | 26 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128625 | WillAWayVanish_Happiness | 5.72% | 12 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128626 | CasperLeonardoperezf | 5.72% | 38 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128627 | Demonchild1970SF-Demonchild | 5.72% | 26 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128628 | D.Moyimariomoya | 5.72% | 30 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128629 | SeamieMcSeamieMcNutt | 5.72% | 18 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128630 | Last lap Henrik kellehelle | 5.72% | 50 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128631 | FRT_New§teD81ClPeladoLabra | 5.72% | 75 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128632 | JRodJROD0823 | 5.72% | 41 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128633 | Vwlewisvwlewis | 5.72% | 44 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128634 | BlankTREEMAN55c | 5.72% | 35 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128635 | Mateymatey1986 | 5.72% | 41 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128636 | Teapotteapot79 | 5.72% | 41 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128637 | RADMAD32RADMAD32 | 5.72% | 59 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128638 | TheCronos327LanderTheGreat98 | 5.72% | 15 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128639 | KerrmoooKerrmooo | 5.72% | 14 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128640 | Mr.Jgixxerjer | 5.72% | 90 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:40:07 | |||
128641 | Azmetix_GTafcturbo1 | 5.72% | 47 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:40:07 | |||
128642 | Healer 37healer18 | 5.72% | 55 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128643 | MaxTortorelmas | 5.72% | 66 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128644 | Fernando Alonsonikolaiszy | 5.72% | 52 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128645 | Mr.Racerfhzknc | 5.72% | 90 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128646 | Matmamatmaka | 5.72% | 15 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128647 | Zellzellsr500 | 5.72% | 57 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128648 | VA1ERva1erger | 5.72% | 89 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128649 | EtmonasFyksas | 5.72% | 12 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128650 | Xomiaksxomiak-s | 5.72% | 23 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128651 | Resiakmatikaiser | 5.72% | 34 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128652 | KenFrostKenFrost13 | 5.72% | 93 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128653 | Jama7000jama_7000 | 5.72% | 38 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128654 | PandaHUNPandaHUNUtd | 5.72% | 80 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128655 | GlenniMelk_Fett | 5.72% | 36 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:00:08 | |||
128656 | Joevanni89joevanni1989 | 5.72% | 17 | 69.98 | 2024-12-20 01:25:05 | |||
128657 | SamousSamous-Lsm | 5.72% | 26 | 69.98 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128658 | McPalmaJankop200 | 5.72% | 13 | 69.98 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128659 | FiDhFiDh94 | 5.72% | 13 | 69.98 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128660 | Benji24Punkfuk24 | 5.72% | 52 | 69.98 | 2024-12-16 09:40:05 | |||
128661 | yaphilmeeyaphilmee | 5.72% | 13 | 69.98 | 2024-12-16 09:20:06 | |||
128662 | Alkum72alkum72 | 5.72% | 22 | 69.98 | 2024-12-16 09:20:06 | |||
128663 | Cesar CidCesarCid | 5.72% | 22 | 69.98 | 2024-12-12 10:45:05 | |||
128664 | GerritsenMilan-2003-_ | 5.72% | 40 | 69.98 | 2024-12-12 10:45:05 | |||
128665 | Bill_Nye_MLGBig_Tonester47 | 5.72% | 59 | 69.98 | 2024-12-09 12:40:06 | |||
128666 | GlyndanielGLYNDANIEL1 | 5.72% | 33 | 69.98 | 2024-12-09 12:40:06 | |||
128667 | xIamJooRDaN-xIamJooRDaN- | 5.72% | 16 | 69.98 | 2024-12-05 14:45:06 | |||
128668 | Een dooie muisBMXdudeNL | 5.72% | 25 | 69.98 | 2024-12-05 09:45:06 | |||
128669 | Gregstremon_gregdu02 | 5.72% | 16 | 69.98 | 2024-12-05 09:45:06 | |||
128670 | Real_hypebeastReal_hypebeast | 5.72% | 20 | 69.98 | 2024-12-02 11:50:08 | |||
128671 | MaverickC-Pablos89 | 5.72% | 53 | 69.98 | 2024-12-02 11:50:08 | |||
128672 | Krisysleo_kry | 5.72% | 21 | 69.98 | 2024-12-02 11:30:07 | |||
128673 | BusheeHekticAlek | 5.72% | 27 | 69.98 | 2024-11-28 09:25:04 | |||
128674 | KwikKiddkillerkidd_28 | 5.72% | 21 | 69.98 | 2024-11-23 13:05:05 | |||
128675 | SchumiBOSS_THE_BOSS_ | 5.72% | 28 | 69.98 | 2024-11-23 13:05:05 | |||
128676 | DakSeymourNibs | 5.72% | 23 | 69.98 | 2024-11-23 13:05:05 | |||
128677 | Fk7witted-petrol8 | 5.72% | 15 | 69.98 | 2024-11-18 12:40:05 | |||
128678 | ArnoutTSM_Arnout69 | 5.72% | 19 | 69.98 | 2024-11-11 12:10:05 | |||
128679 | Arctic Arctic-Penguin-0 | 5.72% | 30 | 69.98 | 2024-11-04 11:50:05 | |||
128680 | V. RossiRennautoX | 5.72% | 22 | 69.98 | 2024-10-31 09:25:04 | |||
128681 | DanteILDANTEDIVAPRIO | 5.72% | 22 | 69.98 | 2024-10-31 09:25:04 | |||
128682 | Rushrush992cs | 5.72% | 47 | 69.98 | 2024-10-10 09:25:04 | |||
128683 | guchikogreen-flue72 | 5.72% | 16 | 69.98 | 2024-10-08 12:05:04 | |||
128684 | Wozak z rynarwozak_z_rynar | 5.72% | 39 | 69.98 | 2024-09-30 07:30:05 | |||
128685 | Aitorej1aitorcreus12 | 5.72% | 33 | 69.98 | 2024-09-26 00:45:04 | |||
128686 | PINHOPINHO_MT | 5.72% | 17 | 69.98 | 2024-09-26 00:45:04 | |||
128687 | IlluminnumIlluminnum | 5.72% | 14 | 69.98 | 2024-09-05 09:45:04 | |||
128688 | Pati3nc3Severus- | 5.72% | 12 | 69.98 | 2024-09-02 08:00:05 | |||
128689 | Siuhsobbosje0 | 5.72% | 19 | 69.98 | 2024-09-01 17:45:04 | |||
128690 | M. Hamiltoncarnerd23 | 3.72% | 3 | 69.98 | 2024-08-22 10:25:04 | |||
128691 | G. TorresIl713lI-Rubiox | 2.48% | 1 | 69.98 | 2024-07-08 14:45:09 | |||
128692 | Davefouxcrap_o_potamus | 5.72% | 12 | 69.98 | 2024-08-12 07:00:04 | |||
128693 | FructuosoFructuoso05 | 7.15% | 29 | 69.98 | 2024-07-09 13:02:27 | |||
128694 | MaxVicariousVersedV | 4.96% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-07-25 20:25:04 | |||
128695 | Barry RMeatonmypizza | 5.53% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-11-11 11:40:04 | |||
128696 | Mardypants56mardypants56 | 5.53% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-11-04 12:10:04 | |||
128697 | KassePapKase | 5.53% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-11-04 11:50:05 | |||
128698 | AstroBoyPanlok_25 | 5.53% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-10-28 10:30:04 | |||
128699 | Felipe_BRT - 77baldacim77 | 5.53% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-09-26 00:45:04 | |||
128700 | T_Dawgt012898 | 5.53% | 8 | 69.98 | 2024-09-25 23:45:03 | |||
128701 | GBmenor_som | 5.72% | 15 | 69.98 | 2024-08-08 14:18:43 | |||
128702 | Mr WonderfulSonicSteph | 2.39% | 2 | 69.98 | 2024-07-09 12:01:13 | |||
128703 | FM-41Ace_Engineer41 | 3.34% | 1 | 69.98 | 2024-11-04 12:10:04 | |||
128704 | nofu-the-endnofu-the-end | 5.34% | 10 | 69.98 | 2024-10-10 09:25:04 | |||
128705 | GBRC-Lunchbox-YTGBRC-Lunchbox-YT | 1.91% | 1 | 69.98 | 2024-07-09 12:01:13 | |||
128706 | MelktertmmmMelktert | 2.20% | 1 | 69.98 | 2024-07-15 15:57:59 | |||
128707 | Boomy024very-quasar43 | 6.20% | 10 | 69.98 | 2024-07-08 16:16:59 | |||
128708 | SpeeedAndPowerrrSpeedAndPowerrr | 5.15% | 34 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128709 | ぷっちょasuka2015love | 3.15% | 3 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128710 | 醉愛~華少>3<"patrick202000 | 5.15% | 28 | 69.98 | 2024-12-22 14:10:07 | |||
128711 | E36 chaserbel2701 | 5.15% | 17 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128712 | N.JonesTENJGAMER123 | 5.15% | 28 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128713 | Kazkedmond | 5.15% | 41 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128714 | Rocket ___SlothRocket___Sloth | 5.15% | 19 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128715 | Bergibergi1006 | 5.15% | 47 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128716 | Matukkamatukka | 5.15% | 44 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128717 | Chudini39chudini39 | 5.15% | 79 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128718 | Elpedroelpedero | 5.15% | 55 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128719 | Turbiiiimimimiii | 5.15% | 27 | 69.98 | 2024-12-21 00:20:06 | |||
128720 | J. GüntherTanker903 | 5.15% | 30 | 69.98 | 2024-12-19 08:45:05 | |||
128721 | Peterson CaccamoPCElectro | 5.15% | 17 | 69.98 | 2024-12-16 09:20:06 | |||
128722 | ThumperR34G4N-SM4SH-OG | 5.15% | 36 | 69.98 | 2024-12-12 10:45:05 | |||
128723 | Likker Danboosted_bass396 | 5.15% | 36 | 69.98 | 2024-12-05 09:45:06 | |||
128724 | VividSpeedVivid_Speed20 | 5.15% | 22 | 69.98 | 2024-11-14 09:25:05 | |||
128725 | Scannescanne08 | 5.15% | 12 | 69.98 | 2024-11-07 09:05:04 | |||
128726 | MR Controller 53Flensssssss1 | 5.15% | 15 | 69.98 | 2024-11-04 12:10:04 | |||
128727 | DorDudeDorDude | 3.15% | 3 | 69.98 | 2024-10-28 10:20:03 | |||
128728 | K. PalmerBigKel0605 | 5.15% | 18 | 69.98 | 2024-10-21 13:00:02 | |||
128729 | GreekGamer06_GreekGamer06_ | 5.15% | 20 | 69.98 | 2024-10-17 09:45:04 | |||
128730 | VR2ooniganXxMCshizzlexX | 3.15% | 3 | 69.98 | 2024-09-30 08:00:05 | |||
128731 | k0rtfreemahi | 5.15% | 19 | 69.98 | 2024-09-30 07:30:05 | |||
128732 | XimoWorldGTXimoWorld-GT | 5.15% | 6 | 69.98 | 2024-09-05 09:45:04 | |||
128733 | KING BENkingb1000 | 5.15% | 6 | 69.98 | 2024-09-01 17:45:04 | |||
128734 | tooslowcheesybumps | 4.39% | 11 | 69.97 | 2024-07-09 18:53:53 | |||
128735 | Frankstdenis89 | 5.44% | 19 | 69.97 | 2024-07-09 18:44:32 | |||
128736 | FabryGT7fabryLeclerc19 | 2.96% | 2 | 69.97 | 2024-07-07 19:21:13 | |||
128737 | John WillJohn__Willian | 5.63% | 10 | 69.97 | 2024-07-09 11:27:19 | |||
128738 | FalimaFalima_pro | 2.67% | 2 | 69.97 | 2024-07-22 13:07:17 | |||
128739 | Saft87Safet87 | 4.77% | 10 | 69.97 | 2024-09-23 08:30:05 | |||
128740 | KingEnzo1234KingEnzo1234 | 4.77% | 10 | 69.97 | 2024-09-05 09:45:04 | |||
128741 | Dany-Dan2201 Dany-Dan2201 | 5.53% | 8 | 69.97 | 2024-08-08 09:45:04 | |||
128742 | Simone RaparelliSimone_Raparelli | 4.29% | 6 | 69.97 | 2024-07-09 18:53:53 | |||
128743 | big_rikurihardmeremaa405 | 2.77% | 4 | 69.97 | 2024-07-08 18:08:23 | |||
128744 | YAZANDFR-2 | 4.58% | 44 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128745 | 神楽sidebyside510 | 4.58% | 44 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128746 | FlashGordon99gordonho99 | 4.58% | 18 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128747 | Floflo21 | 4.58% | 12 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128748 | yas sportsyam_sickly249 | 4.58% | 43 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128749 | Nicotram2pac69 | 4.58% | 44 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 | |||
128750 | ennaennaok | 4.58% | 44 | 69.97 | 2024-12-21 01:25:06 |